Saturday, September 25, 2010


Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.  ~Nathaniel Hawthorne
For the whole life, we go on searching for happiness. Happiness is one of the main purposes of our life. To attain happiness, we do so many things. But most of the time we found our self unhappy in the end of our life. Why? Because we do not understand the true cause of happiness. Happiness is like short term plans and long term plan. Long term happiness is the real happiness for most of the time. We have to plan in advance, which type of happiness we requires a short term or long term. There are many enjoyments in life, which gives us short term happiness. These are like laziness, sleeping, watching TV, listening music, playing or dreaming. I do not say that you not to do all these things. But do them only when they are required.
Any thing of them if we do in excess, may give us some happiness in present. But it will take away the long term happiness away from us. Some of us ruin their whole life for these small pleasures. For achieving the real happiness in life, we should be able to understand which thing gives us happiness and what our purposes to be fulfilled in this life. Most of us do not understand all these things we have to go through some initial pains, for achieving this long term goals. But after achieving these goals, most of our worries go away and we found our self happy.
There is a clear example of a student, who study for whole night and got first in class. On the other hand his friend watched movies and played, therefore got failed. Student who studied has taken some extra pain, but achieved a bigger happiness later in term of his success. Every body will like him and quote his examples. Where as the friend, who has gone for short term plans is unhappy after the result. He is compared and looked down by every body. In this way his small term enjoyments turned into long term unhappiness.
If we do not plan from the day one for long term goals, then we are defiantly going to land in unhappiness. We require understanding, which thing gives us happiness; even it may be associated with some pain in present. Your life's aim should we to attain mastery in the field, which we like and get the exceptional results in that. You may be saying that it is not possible for everybody. But I will not agree, it possible for everybody with some proper planning and taking some pain. We should have the guts to realize our true happiness and fulfill it. This is real purpose of our life. If we not do this, we always remain unhappy. So finally i ask all you people to be happy in life .

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