Tuesday, September 7, 2010


International Literacy Day

Literacy is a cause for celebration since there are now close to four billion literate people in the world. However, literacy for all – children, youth and adults - is still an unaccomplished goal and an ever moving target. A combination of ambitious goals, insufficient and parallel efforts, inadequate resources and strategies, and continued underestimation of the magnitude and complexity of the task accounts for this unmet goal. Lessons learnt over recent decades show that meeting the goal of universal literacy calls not only for more effective efforts but also for renewed political will and for doing things differently at all levels - locally, nationally and internationally.
In its resolution A/RES/56/116, the General Assembly proclaimed the ten year period beginning 1 January 2003 the United Nations Literacy Decade. In resolution A/RES/57/166, the Assembly welcomed the International Plan of Action for the Decade and decided that UNESCO should take a coordinating role in activities undertaken at the international level within the framework of the Decade.
Today one in five adults is still not literate and t about two-thirds of them are women while 67.4 million children are out of school.
Since its foundation in 1946, UNESCO has been at the forefront of global literacy efforts and is dedicated to keeping literacy high on national, regional and international agendas. However, with some 796 million adults lacking minimum literacy skills, literacy for all remains an elusive target.
UNESCO’s literacy program mes aim to create a literate world and promote literacy for all.

1 comment:

  1. Hey your comments are timely and nice thanks for posting a valuable comment... I have to appreciate you for the concern of literacy in the country....
